Physical Education
Physical Education
Physically educated students who enjoy a lifetime of active and healthy living.
To nurture self-directed learners who demonstrates, individually and with others, the physical skills, practices and values in leading an active and healthy lifestyle through the 3Es approach (Excite, Engage and Empower)
Excite: Promote joy of learning in PHE in pursuant of an active and healthy lifestyle
Engage: Develop self-directedness and ownership in leading an active and healthy lifestyle
Empower: Enabling applications of learning in PHE towards growing an active and healthy self

P5 Outdoor Adventure Camp
The P5 Outdoor Adventure Camp is a highlight of the curriculum experience at DZPS and is part of the National Outdoor Adventure Education Masterplan which MOE has put in place to strengthen the holistic development of all our students. Through this camp, we seek to develop in our student’s independence, responsibility, leadership and collaborative skills through outdoor adventure setting. With the love for the outdoors, students will show care for the nature and be aware of the importance of a more sustainable Singapore. The camp is a platform for fostering in our students discipline and teamwork and enhancing their physical and mental robustness.

Sports Day
The DZ Sports Day provides platform for students across all levels with the platform to demonstrate and apply the skills and knowledge they have acquired in PE lessons in an authentic competitive setting. It is also a great platform to celebrate students’ success and strengthen their sense of pride and belonging to school. The school encourages maximum participation and creates an opportunity for every student to participate in at least one event during Sports Day.

Sports Education Programme
The Sports Education Programme exposes students to a variety of sports beyond the PE curriculum. This exposure aims to generate students’ interests to pick up the sport at a recreational level in the future to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

SwimSafer Programme
The SwimSafer Programme is aims to develop in our student’s important life skills such as swimming proficiency, water confidence and water safety. The programme will be carried out in 8 sessions.

P4 and P6 students will need to participate in the National Physical Fitness Assessment as part of the PE curriculum. For more information on NAPFA standards, click on following: