International Friendship Day
International Friendship Day
Dazhong Primary School commemorated International Friendship Day (IFD) on 6th April. This day is dedicated to the understanding of Singapore’s relations with neighbouring countries and beyond.
It aims to alert students towards the geo-political realities inherent in Singapore, as well as nurture in them the spirit of friendship and partnership among different countries and different people.
The theme for this year’s IFD is Singapore in Asia. Through a wide range of activities, students learnt about the importance of international collaboration and friendship.
At our ‘ASIA Cafe’, students were treated to a static display and games about the Asia regions!
Moreover, in an effort to show appreciation to our international friends for their contributions to Singapore, students wrote appreciation cards to them. Through these activities, students learnt to appreciate these people and demonstrated the school value of acceptance.
Students were taught to understand the good relations we have forged and never to take such valuable relations for granted. Happy International Friendship Day! Dazhong Dare to Shine!